Car auto service (repair shop) The Society of the Irish Motor Industry- SIMI in Dublin, Ireland

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The Society of the Irish Motor Industry- SIMI is Car auto service (repair shop). It is located in Dublin, Ireland. You can talk to us in the local language.

The Society of the Irish Motor Industry- SIMI is open Mon-Fri - - -, Saturday - - -, Sunday - - - and is specialized in Main repairs.

We accept cash payments.

Name:The Society of the Irish Motor Industry- SIMI
Your Latitude:53.3348
Your Longitude:-6.25403
Address: 5 Pembroke Street Upper, Dublin 2
Working time:
Main repairs

Main repairs

Basic repairs of vehicules, starting from changing oil and wipers up to changing brake pads, brake disks, starters and others.

DO NOT INCLUDE: disassmble cluthces, camshafts and specialized engine repairs.

Yes Cars